100 Glenns Creek Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
502- 564-7647
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm


If you have tested POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 and have SYMPTOMS:

 “I am positive”
To determine your isolation release date. Please enter below the date your symptoms began OR the date of your test (if no symptoms).


If symptoms fully resolve, isolation may be shortened and end after day 5 on the firstday without symptoms.

Wear a well-fitting face mask for 10 full days since the start of symptoms. Isolation should not be shortened if a mask cannot be worn properly and consistently.

If you need an extension beyond the date listed above, please call and speak with our team at 502-564-7647 ext. 126.

If symptoms last longer than 14 days, you should follow-up with your primary care physician for further guidance.

If you are boosted or fully-vaccinated but not yet booster-eligible* and have been in CLOSE CONTACT with someone diagnosed with COVID-19:

  • You do not need to quarantine if you do not have symptoms.
  • Wear a well-fitting face mask for 10 full days from your last exposure.
  • Get tested for COVID-19 on day 5.
  • Stay home and get a test if symptoms develop.

*Booster-eligible includes people 16 years of age or older who completed their primary mRNA(Pfizer/Moderna) vaccine series > 6 months ago or their J&J/Janssen vaccine > 2 months ago