100 Glenns Creek Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
502- 564-7647
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

Nuisance Complaints 

Environmental Health personnel conduct investigations on nuisance complaints regarding failing septic systems, rodent and/or vector harborage, garbage disposal, etc.
Complaints are conducted in accordance with KRS 212.210.


What to do if you have a complaint:

  • Gather necessary information (if available): location of nuisance, name of owner, address, phone, etc. 
  • The more information you can provide the Environmentalist, the quicker they can respond.
  • Complete the Complaint Form (2023) and deliver-in-person/email/fax/mail the complaint to FCHD Environmental Health Team to file the complaint. 


This document provides possible questions the public may have regarding the Food Safety Reporting System for their respective local public health departments.
More information: https://fchd.org/ky-food-safety-reporting-system/
Link to Survey – foodsafetyreporting.ky.gov


Photographs or any other evidence may be beneficial to the investigation.

Office Location:  851 East West Connector, Frankfort, KY 40601
When using MapQuest, Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, OnStar, Etc:
Use 100 Moore Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601 Then turn Right for FCHD PHC Building 

Office Hours:  8:00am - 9:30am
Phone Number: (502) 564 - 7647
Fax Number: 502-564-5672