100 Glenns Creek Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
502- 564-7647
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Emergency After-Hours Number (502) 875-8582

- Monkeypox Vaccine Screening Tool
- Monkeypox: What You Should Know
- Monkeypox: Next Steps for Cases and Close Contacts
Supply of monkeypox vaccine remains limited in Kentucky due to the low number of cases within the state.
Who can get vaccinated?
Anyone with a high-risk exposure to someone with monkeypox (direct skin-to-skin contact or other close personal contacts)
Men who have sex with men (including those who identify as gay, bisexual, transgender, gender non-conforming, or gender non-binary) and are 18 years or older AND
- Have had multiple or anonymous male, transgender or non-conforming sex partners in the past 14 days OR
- Have a diagnosis of gonorrhea and/or early syphilis within the past 12 months OR
- Are on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Persons who attended an event/venue where there was a high risk of exposure to an individual with confirmed monkeypox through skin-to-skin or sexual contact in the last 14 days
Individuals who, on a case-by-case basis, are determined to have reasonable suspicion of recent direct skin-to-skin contact with a known or suspected case of monkeypox.
What is monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by a virus. It does not usually cause serious illness, but can result in hospitalization. While we should not be alarmed, everyone should stay informed about the disease. This means understanding the symptoms, how it spreads, and what to do if exposed.
What Should Everyone Know About Monkeypox?
- Anyone can get monkeypox. However, certain groups are being affected by monkeypox more than others, including men who have sex with men (MSM).
- Some groups may be at higher risk for complications if they contract monkeypox–this includes people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, young children, and pregnant people
How Do You Get It?
Monkeypox is spread through close physical contact with someone who has monkeypox.
This includes:
- Direct contact with monkeypox sores or rashes.
- Respiratory droplets during prolonged face-to-face contact with someone with monkeypox.
- Contact with objects or fabrics (clothing, bedding, towels) that have been used by someone with monkeypox.
What Should I Do If I Was Exposed Or Have Symptoms?
Rashes, bumps or blisters on the face, hands, feet, chest or genital area. The rash may appear similar to common sexually transmitted infections.
Flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms may occur before the rash, after the rash appears, or not at all.
If you experience symptoms consistent with monkeypox, contact your healthcare provider for an assessment.
Monkeypox is diagnosed through tests on samples taken from people suspected of having monkeypox.
Most patients have mild illness, so treatment usually consists of relief of symptoms and supportive care.
There are anti-viral treatments available for pre- and post-exposure.
How Can I Protect Myself?
You can protect yourself from monkeypox by taking some simple steps.
This is especially important for those at higher risk:
Ask your sexual partners whether they have a rash or other symptoms consistent with monkeypox.
Avoid skin-to-skin contact with anyone who has a rash or monkeypox-related symptoms.
Follow reliable sources of health information, including the CDC and your local health department.
Monkeypox is a disease caused by a virus. It can spread through close, personal contact with someone who has the virus. It often appears as a rash with bumps or blisters and may be accompanied by flulike illness.
If You are Diagnosed with Monkeypox:
- You will be asked to isolate yourself at home and take precautions to not expose others until the blisters have healed.
- Think about possible close contacts including medical providers, family members, and sexual partners.
- Antiviral medications
may be considered for treatment by your physician.