100 Glenns Creek Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
502- 564-7647
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm
If you have tested POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 and have NO SYMPTOMS:
“I am positive”
To determine your isolation release date. Please enter below the date from the date you had your test done.
Isolate for 5 days from the date you had your test done.
- Wear a well-fitting facemask for 5 additional days.
- Isolation should be extended to 10 days if a mask cannot be worn properly and consistently.
If you need an extension beyond the date listed above, please call and speak with our team at 502-564-7647 ext. 126.
If symptoms begin or last longer than 14 days, you should follow-up with your primary care physician for further guidance.
If you are boosted or fully-vaccinated but not yet booster-eligible* and have been in CLOSE CONTACT with someone diagnosed with COVID-19:
- You do not need to quarantine if you do not have symptoms.
- Wear a well-fitting face mask for 10 full days from your last exposure.
- Get tested for COVID-19 on day 5.
- Stay home and get a test if symptoms develop.
*Booster-eligible includes people 16 years of age or older who completed their primary mRNA(Pfizer/Moderna) vaccine series > 6 months ago or their J&J/Janssen vaccine > 2 months ago